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Friday 14 September 2012

Boiling water without bubbles

Enjoying life ... Aimee Copeland.
'I love life': flesh-eating bug victim Aimee celebrates being alive

Snow on Mars: The surface of the planet, littered with crater holes, may occasionally get a dusting of 'snow' at the poles
The carbon dioxide SNOW on Mars: NASA believes Red Planet is only place in solar system with freak weather phenomenon

Big Juan: Spanish slugs can reach 15cm long
Giant mutant slugs from El: Spanish beasts invade Britain and threaten to wipe out local species

Bob-bob, cat, Disneyland
Stowaway cat survives 10 hour trip in owners suitcase for trip to Disneyland

Nintendo's Wii U to launch Nov. 18, start at $300
Nintendo's Wii U to launch Nov. 18, start at $300 (Update)

Satellite image showing Great Britain covered in snow and ice (Image: NEODAAS/University of Dundee/PA)Met Office model 'better at predicting extreme winters'

The app has a database of mines from around the world and how to spot them.

How your phone could save your life: Army bomb disposal expert creates app to help spot landmines

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