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Friday 29 March 2013

Photo: World War II Monopoly

Get Out of Jail Free: Monopoly's Hidden Maps


Vista: The Russians claim to have arrived early at the famous site on the outskirts of Cairo, where they waited in the shadows until official visitor opening hours were over to make their climb
The view from the TOP of the Great Pyramid: Illicit photos taken by tourists who secretly climbed wonder of the world at night


Alexander Mandon Buried Alive As 'Cure' After Being Struck By Lightning 4 Times (VIDEO)


Willy thief executed


Article: UFO Memo Is FBI's 'Most Wanted' Record

The Turin Shroud is not a medieval forgery, as has long been claimed, but could in fact date from the time of Christ's death, a new book claims.
Turin Shroud 'is not a medieval forgery'

Carol Brothers and husband David
Easterton woman recovers after 'dying for 45 minutes'


Ravi Fernando
Maths magician solves three Rubik’s Cubes while juggling


A picture of the three men, believed to have been arrested with the incident, which the Egyptian army has posted on Facebook
Three Egyptian divers 'tried to hack through internet ocean-floor cables in attack that could have taken ENTIRE continent offline'

Discovery: The binary stars appear to have a large object orbiting them (the circle and green arrow demonstrate the planets movement between 2002 and 2012)
Stargazers capture first picture of a planet with two suns – just like Luke Skywalker’s home planet of Tatooine in Star Wars


SpaceX's Dragon Capsule 2.0 Looks Like 'Alien Spaceship,' Elon Musk Says


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