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Thursday 2 May 2013

Passenger plane involved in near miss with UFO near Glasgow airport


Sailendra Nath Roy
Sailendra Nath Roy dies in India ponytail stunt


robert phipps blinded solar panels
Homeowner Robert Phipps Says Neighbor's Solar Panels Are Blinding

bronx new york google earth glitches errors clement valla
When Google Earth Goes Awry

Rob Hartland
Hundreds of UFO pics captured over Perth by Darlington man

‘Time Crystals’ Could Upend Physicists’ Theory of Time

French family claims injuries caused by haunting


Satellite collision narrowly missed

IBM creates world’s smallest movie using atoms


Balloon Buzz Lightyear reddit costume
Buzz Lightyear balloon costume brings Toy Story space ranger to life


According to archaeologists from the Mexico National Institute of Anthropology and History, the spheres would have appeared to be made of gold because they are covered in jarosite - a bi-product of the oxidisation of pyrite, also known as Fool's Gold
Mystery of the Mexican 'goldenballs' cave: Scientists baffled by hundreds of spheres found in hidden tunnels


Hackers claim thy can remotely take control of Glass, and see and hear everything a wearer does. Today they called for Google to improve the security on the device before it goes on sale to the public next year
Google Glass HACKED to transmit everything you see and hear - and experts warn 'the only thing it doesn't know are your thoughts'

Doug Owsley, division head for Physical Anthropology at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History,
First permanent British settlers in America  were CANNIBALS who even ate a 14 year old girl to survive deadly 1609 winter


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