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Monday, 25 February 2013

Antimicrobial peptides that fight off bacteria on the skin when you get cut or burned may be the key to a new, more bacteria-resistant generation of antibiotics.

Human sweat may hold key to next generation of antibiotics: study

British researchers say they have uncovered a secret 'Genesis Death Sandwich' hidden in the structure of the Bible - with mentions of death concentrated in the middle, sandwiched between mentions of life
The secret code used to bury bad news in the Bible: Researchers uncover the 'Genesis Death Sandwich'

Cat café to open in London after public donates £100,000

He had always chewed things such as washing off the line and tissues. But when Barney the labrador began looking under the weather no one could have guessed it was a result of his latest meal – 109 stones from a nearby beach.
The rattling labrador who ate 109 stones

Bosnia 'meteor' intrigues new generation in wake of Russia strike

 Mystery over dozens of dead sea creatures washed up in Peru
Mystery over dozens of dead sea creatures washed up in Peru

Russians believe meteor strike could have been UFO or God’s message

Say cheese: Photographer Octavio Aburto gets his magic shot
'What a snapper!' Marine photographer captures hundreds of wide-eyed fish posing for picture

Artist impression of ancient Earth
Fragments of ancient continent buried under Indian Ocean

The prototype glove is packed with sensors. However, it is believed future versions could be small enough to be simply woven into clothing
The end of the keyboard? The glove that lets you write in mid air - and it could be used with Google's Glass

Maintenance drones: The modular skyscrapers of the future could have interchangeable units shifted and lifted into place by jet-powered drones, according to the report's predictions
Skyscrapers of the future will be powered by ALGAE, cleaned by robots and could even change temperature according to the weather, says firm behind Sydney Opera House 

This photograph of the fireball was submitted to the Southern California Weather Authority
Massive green 'fireball' blazes across California sky in another too-close-for-comfort meteor shower

Esoterica: Mirror Manifests Misery and Pain -- 'Spiritual Problems' Cause Fainting Incidents -- Communicating With The Dead

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