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Thursday 17 January 2013

Mystery: A white arrow highlights the mysterious object as it emerges from the darkness

An encounter on the dark side of the moon: 'UFO' spotted soaring above lunar surface in online video

Black holes growing faster than believed

Amanda Warrington, 24,000 piece puzzle
Woman glues 24,000-piece jigsaw to living room wall

Outsource, China
Software developer ‘outsources his job to China so he can play on the internet’

Male peacock spiders extend their legs and flash their colourful, iridescent abdominal flaps to attract a mate
Watch the spectacular mating ritual of the tiny peacock spiders in south-east Australia

Audi's swarm tail light technology is made up of organic light-emitting diodes that respond to movements of the car
UFOs on the M4: Audi reveals bizarre 'swarm' light that turns the back of its cars into a pulsating screen


This computer-generated image of a river-like feature in the Reull Vallis region of Mars was created using data from the Mars Express spacecraft
Rivers on the red planet: Astonishing new pictures reveal a 4mile wide, 900mile long river that once ran across the Martian surface

This artist's impressions shows the Bigelow inflatable space station that can be compressed into a 7-foot tube for delivery to the International Space Station. NASA is expected to install the module by 2015
The orbital balloon: NASA tests blow-up space-craft

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