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Wednesday 16 January 2013

Long journey: Police believe Ms Moreau's TomTom led her from Belgium through Germany, Austria and Slovenia through to Croatia

Belgian woman blindly drove 900 miles across Europe as she followed broken GPS instead of 38-miles to the station


Hundreds of Cats Being Shipped to Restaurants in China Saved from slaughter


A man dressed as the mythic figure of El Dorado sprinkles gold dust
El Dorado: The truth behind the myth


More cases of UFO sightings near ISS

Dodo, a 103-year-old Detroit Electric Model D that was thought for a century to be an evolutionary dead end has emerged for auction - and has now turned out to be way ahead of its time
Abandoned for gas guzzlers, the astonishing 103 year old electric car that was ahead of its time


Pigeons were fitted with mini Ticka watch cameras in 1908 by Dr Julius Neubronner to take aerial photos
Now that's a bird’s eye view: Amazing aerial photos from 1908 taken by fitting mini cameras to PIGEONS

The WheeMo robotic massage tool can automatically drive over an owner's backs with specially designed wheels
Are you ready for your robo-massage? The bizarre £60 gadget that claims to be able to destress you - by driving over your back with spiked wheels

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